07/06/2023 haha... been very long since an update... well since i moved all the oc stuff to matikhluks own site i didnt have much use for this site.. except i guess personal secret bloggings like this%% or maybe just for fun.... i overhauled matikhluks story to mix with samudera si malams plot to make things comfortable for my own head%% it turned out to be much better and more fun
26/03/2023 im putting less and less into my blogs.. looks like im losing interest already%% ah well so for this morning i tried to go see a bunch of neocities sites but it didnt work?! i ended up having to use a vpn just to look at sites... crazy!
25/03/2023 tried to make a separate site for my characters to make this fuly a personal site but now i have to wait business days... why neocities!!! why!!! sihhhhh UPDATE it all worked out hehe matikhlk dot neocities dot org is livee hehehe
24/03/2023 good morning all! if u keep up wit my ig u know abt mindpalaces and dreampalace concepts%% well TBH im still unsure of them. if i shuld keep them or not u know?! i like drawing dem but story wise is it necessary does it make sense? sihhhhh.... ive ben trying to have as much fun possible and it helps me have fun. but sometimes i dislike my creations after the fact... and thats not so fun. what shuld i do? maybe update later%%% UPDATE im ho---me! ive been thinking a lot about it still. im growingfond of the dreampalace designs. i decided to keep the mindpalace and dreampalace concepts just for fun... the story is the same. the mind and the psyche is insane! so i guess thats what the palaces are there for. i feel more content writing all this down. so i guess mindpalace and dreampalace is going to be more of aaa....... recollection of thoughts for the characters... maybe
23/03/2023 hellooo ive been thinking alot about how to communicate matikhluks story%%% i decided to sit on it for a while until its a finished bread... TBHNESS; samudera si malam is finished with an ending an all buht i got scared of it... like i wuldnt be able to tell the story properly due to my impatience.. and matikhluk is yet to have an ending(thnkfuly) so i rly think the best idea is to sit on it... let it grow on its own... in my brain! thats the thought for this morning.
22/03/2023 decided to start blogging m thoughts... maybe not everyday but just for myself hehehe. ive been pretty bored with my compositions lately... bcz most of de time im too focused on practicing my painting that i forget to focus on the general bigger picture of it.. im not confident in my own creativity either. idk how to solve this. will update blog entry maybe! UPDATE1... i havent solved it but ive been thinking thoughts... on how to get my art to rly b my brain! my brain on a digital canvas. its sososohard! IDK why but t is. ive been trying to (wats the english word for olah!?) process my brainjuices into digital paint%% but it feels like BRAINPOOP instead. i can draw as much as i want but if i dont fink on it first it'll jus be brainpoop... i want my art to have PERSONAL MOMENT with me. becz its my art above all else>>> i will update MORE! UPDATE2 i drew my ocs as bugs instead... pretty happy with the designs :3 den again im happy anytime i draw matikhluk @_@ hehehe